
ritratto armin92

Studies of architecture

Gennaro Castellano

Since the middle of the eighties he has been working with both national and international significant private galleries and public institutions of contemporary art. His work is present in important collections. Visitor professor in academies of art and universities. Author of contemporary art publications. Several influential critics and intellectuals have written about him. In this period he produces a painting series inspired by the genre of still life, "Still life is still living". The artworks can be defined as exercises of style, synthesis of warm and cold elements, more than painting itself, its metaphor. Not much of the classical representation remains, in fact the photography of the original or the page of a history of art manual are the sources from which details are selected and then re-elaborated with the computer in order to create pattern. An analytical work realized in a limited edition.

A series of paintings and drawings is produced, one part of this is managed by the Lia Rumma gallery of Naples, the other one is property of the artist. Since1998 he is concerned with the renewal of artistic language through an interdisciplinary method attentive towards the public dimension of art. Public art research is distinguished by the reflection on issues like territory, environment, social conflicts and intercultural dynamics extending its prospective to politics, economy and human sciences. Gennaro Castellano participates to seminaries and conventions promoted by institutions, cultural foundations and public administration. In 1999 he promoted the artistic dynamic called progettozingonia, and in 2004 founded Reporting system, an association for contemporary art.